Works 1999 > 2009
REALITY BENDING / OHÝBANIE REALITY 2009, digital photography
A human body jumping in an architectural background bends reality and time by means of the strong gravitational pole created by the significant concentration of energy that is released in the leap.
THE UNIVERSAL NET / UNIVERZÁLNA SIEŤ 2009, HD video - 06:13min.+ digital photgraphy
A person moving in the foreground tries to touch the lines that result when space transforms into a two-dimensional plane. This film forms part of the series of pictures entitled The Universal Net.
A MILION / MILIÓN 2009, digital print
What does 1 000 000 dots look like? Is it possible to perceive one million dots at one sight? Is it possible to get an idea of an amount based on this example?
THAW / TOPENIE 2009, digital photography
Melting snow creates little islands that gradually lose their form as they cease to exist.
TURNING PROHIBITED / ZÁKAZ OTÁČANIA 2009, digital photography
Images of tram tracks in the middle of a two-way street. Eight photographs in chronological order show snow melting away due to natural weather conditions and cars taking banned turns across the tracks.
MADONNAS / MADONY 2008-2011, digital photography
Pairs of portraits of women in red. The first pictures show a pregnant woman shortly before giving birth to her child. The second one is taken 6 months after the child´s birth. Both pictures are taken at the same place.
Discover both ends of the time bridge between two pictures.
TWO PORTRAITS / DVA PORTRÉTY 2002-2009, B&W photography, contact prints 18x24cm
Series of portraits and self-portraits of 110 young people I have come across in my life.
1. Portrait: the photographer takes a picture of the portrayed person who is looking right at the camera.
2. Self-portrait: the portrayed person is given the relevant technical information so that they can then take their own self-portrait alone in the studio.
CHORUS GIRLS / TANEČNICE 2008, digital photography
Series of portraits of 5 women both in modern-day outfit as well as in can-can costumes.
The first series of pictures in modern-day clothes, taken in 3 different positions, is taken again two hours later in can-can costumes in the same positions.
Witness how the different outfit changes the aura of one and the same being.
STARING AT THE SUN / POHĽAD DO SLNKA 2008, digital photography
Photographs taken using a cell phone camera. Reality disappears in excessive light and casual light effects. In these pictures, different light outcomes materialize the existence of light symbolizing the divine principle.
“On neither the sun, nor death, can a man look fixedly” F. Rochefoucald
BUS STOPS / ZASTÁVKY 2008, digital photography
The decaying objects captured by the camera fade out in front of the objective.
1st Series: bus stops of the same type in a major town photographed from a car. The pictures show the exact time they were taken.
2nd Series: decaying bus stops in Slovakia taken from a car.
THE TRAIN / VLAK 2008, digital photography
Series of photographs of the country taken from a train using a cell phone camera.
The country fades out in the time and plane of the image.
BRATISLAVA ROSES / BRATISLAVSKÉ RUŽE 2008, digital photography
Series of photographs of different roses growing in downtown Bratislava, taken in 2-hour intervals.
The same journey repeats a month later trying to take the same pictures again at random.
MOVEMENT / POHYB 2009, digital photography
Series of photographs depicting a moving body.
Pairs of pictures taken in very short intervals. Changing light unveils two different worlds existing parallel to each other.
FADING OUT / ZANIKANIE 2008, digital photography
Series of photographs dealing with the flow of time as well as with the visual differences happening between two equal things or events over a period of time. The issue here is the search for different viewpoints at the edge of two polarities: origin and downfall.
Every single thing and event has been defined its own time in this material world. Although invisible to human eyes, everything is continuously approaching its material downfall.
WOMENOLOGY 2007, digital photography. /. UNDER CUNSTRUCTION
Series of staged and documentary photographs, using different symbols for origin and downfall, on the topic of women and sexuality. Eros – the instinct of life – bears in itself Thanatos – the instinct of downfall and death – as well.
- B&W photography on baryt paper
- colorizing and painting on photo paper surface
- B&W rayograms by water and objective lens on baryt paper
- colorizing and painting on photo paper surface
- B&W and tinted photos on batryt paper
- contact prints 6x9, 13x18, 18x24cm